![]() “Bright eyes gladden the heart.” Proverbs 15:30. Emmett at Peace Out Camp with Phoebe Sumter May 13, 2020 Are you still amazed how quickly everything changed for us? Like all educators across the nation, I turned myself inside out trying to teach from home, knowing I was not doing a good job. World language educators thrive on the interaction – dialogue, songs, games, and conversations. My struggle was trying to recreate that “live and in person” energy and not overwhelm my students. I was trying to find balance. It was a tug of war, and I’m still not sure who won. I do know that I lost my purpose – professionally speaking. All the seemingly valuable things I had been working towards disappeared in face of our immediate needs. So, I began to walk- hours of exercising up and down my driveway, listening to music and podcasts, and talking with my dad on the phone. As I walked, I also prayed for direction, discernment, and help. My dog Fargo--my new best friend-- walked with me, watching over me. I asked for my weak faith to be stronger. How did God answer me? Deuteronomy 31:8 personified in the form of a coyote. Looney Tune visions of Bugs Bunny, Wile E., and Road Runner did NOT dance through my head. This coyote was the fastest thing I have ever seen in my life. The panic was real, and I cannot repeat the words that came out of my mouth. Unfortunately, it was not The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." (Deuteronomy 31:8) Y’all- The coyote showed up just as I finished walking and sat back down on my porch swing. It is the only reason I am able to write this. I am fairly sure that coyote runs faster than I can. If I had been on my driveway, I certainly would have died from the sheer panic of facing a wild animal as it raced towards me. Some people say that coyotes are scared of people. This one was not. If I prayed for direction, I realized it was time to stop walking in big loops in my yard. If I prayed for discernment, I know my dog kept me safe because he knew the coyote was there all along. If I prayed for help, I received it. My faith was restored on that porch. I got busy looking for ways to serve. My husband Bob works for Phoebe Sumter, and I knew that our hospital set up a unique childcare program to ensure that healthcare workers could still report to work to care for the people suffering from Covid-19. Phoebe Sumter watches over these kids while their parents watch over our families. Our group spent three days this week teaching Spanish and completing peace projects with the kids. At the facility, the administrators took our temperature. We all wore masks. Despite this, I felt at home with the kids that I taught 10 at a time. They still wanted to run in the halls. They still wiggled where they sat. They still watched, learned, and shared what was on their minds. It was a glimpse of teaching to come. My purpose was restored by the smiling eyes of the kids. The dynamic magic of the classroom is unchanged- with hands in the air, countless questions, and masks sometimes sideways or inside out or below the noses. All it took was a gentle redirect. They did keep their hands to themselves. A miracle. Those sweet smiling eyes shining above the masks took my breath away. Kinda like the coyote that I didn’t see coming. God blessed me with reassurance that I needed. It gladdened my heart. As an educator, I believe in the powerful blessings of service learning. This means meeting the needs of others and learning something about yourself in the process. This week with Phoebe Sumter kids was a gift of peace for me as much as for them. I just look at those smiling eyes and know God is still in my classroom- wherever that may be. In church, service learning is expressed as we love God and love people in the name of Jesus. At home, it is loving on my family while digging deep for patience and fortitude to complete the thousands of small tasks each day with grace. I also believe in gratitude for the people who encourage me. I am grateful... for my zoom prayer group of Spanish teachers across the U.S. who remind me that I am a good teacher. for Bob who works with amazing healthcare providers at Phoebe Sumter. for our daughter Ella, the child of a hospital employee, who gave up her mornings to serve. for my friends, Jeni, Laura, Marc, and Elena who teach peace with me. I guess I need to thank God for the coyote. I know I thank Him for those precious smiling eyes.
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JoAnna Arnold